New Intagram Post

original post here
Caption: SUMMER SALE 24–26.10.2024
I’m excited to finally announce the show we have been working on for the past months.
Feel invited to the opening at 18:00 on the 24th of October at Post-Office, Hoofdweg 403, 1056CS Amsterdam.
About the show:
“It’s about the period in between, where the mind is still at the beach festival, but the body is already under the blanket with a cup of tea next to the fireplace. The days are getting shorter and colder; the surroundings start changing colors. Everyone is slowly preparing for the winter sleep. The summer is just yesterday’s memory. The boy you had a magic time with at the dunes is just another random follower on IG. The sleepless nights are over, it is time to settle and get back to your routine, productivity, responsibilities, and deadlines. It’s time to store your Primark shorts and swap them with knitted pullovers. The time starts to flow differently it slows down. Mornings started to hit differently. Watch out, melancholia might change into a seasonal depression. Let’s embrace the post-summer nostalgia, by admiring the neglected Primark shorts, bruises from jumping over the fence, the alcohol poisoning complications, the summer love, the summer IG follower, silly selfies, and forgotten memories”
Participating artist:
Tindra Eliason @tndrra
Ingeborg Kraft Fermin @ingeborg.3000
Krystian Grzywacz @knyptian
George Mazari @georgemazari
Gabriel Stoll @instolled
Ignacy Radtke @ignacyradtke
Graphic design:
Augustinas Milkus @augustinasmilkus
Ignacy Radtke @ignacyradtke